South Alabama

When our daughter found out where we spent the night in Alabama she insisted that we go to Lambert’s Cafe III in Foley, AL. So we skipped breakfast and hoped to get there soon after they opened at 10:30am. When we arrived we realized that we forgot to change our clocks for crossing into a different time zone – oops! So we were early and took care of a few tasks in the RV before getting in line to enter when the doors opened. The food was amazing and the decor was a bit over the top. The young man that “throwed rolls” also juggled them to entertain us (because we had a fancy camera)! I probably should have just ordered the “pass around” plate –  in addition to the rolls a lot of other goodies are passed around. Charlie had meatloaf and I had salmon patties – and we’re having it again for supper with a large salad.

Click here for more pictures of Foley, AL and Lambert’s Cafe.

Rather than take the most direct route to our next stop we traveled part of Alabama’s Coastal Connection – a scenic drive. There were points of interest along the way but we only stopped once to take pictures. Then Charlie entrusted me with his good camera and I took some pictures through the windshield and out the windows. The driving was exhausting due to narrow roads, bicyclists and small town streets – Charlie was very happy to be back on Interstate 10 for a few minutes before we arrived at the USS Alabama!

Click here for more pictures along Alabama’s Coastal Connection and click here for pictures along Interstate 10 crossing the bay into Mobile.

The USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile, AL meant a lot of up and down ladders – not great for Cheryl’s fear of heights and fear of falling! Happy to report no injuries except for a very minor bump on the head going through a doorway. The submarine USS Drum is even smaller than the boat that Charlie served on – very interesting for me to see the sort of conditions he lived under.

Click here for more pictures of the USS Alabama, USS Drum and various military planes at the park.

After another quick Walmart stop we headed for a campground in Mississippi for the night. We’re going to stay put for two nights so that Charlie can continue installation of numerous electronic devices. While that happens Cheryl will do laundry and optimize some RV organization now that we’ve experienced a few days on the road. We will spend a quiet New Year’s Eve with no chance of dealing with drivers that started the party early! Our party will be subtle – Charlie still has his Glenfiddich and Cheryl was gifted a special bottle of ice wine that she’s been saving to celebrate the beginning of this trip.

One thought on “South Alabama

  1. We’ll be toasting you tonight as we roll in the new year! (Good idea to keep off the road, early party people – yuck!) Alabama looked pretty, geez, I haven’t been there in years! The Narcoossee stay looked really pretty too! Your journey is already making me travel itchy!


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