South Louisiana

Looking for a change from Interstate 10 we decided to travel US Hwy 90 after getting out of New Orleans. Charlie again trusted me with the good camera and I was in charge of pictures of wild, wacky or just odd. Thank goodness it’s all digital and not film! I took a lot of bad, blurry shots – sometimes due to the bumpy road and sometimes due to poor technique. But I did manage a few reasonably good pictures.

The bridge on Interstate 310 over the Mississippi River was quite high but we only saw barges – no tall ships.

The beginning of our day was mostly highways raised up over swamp – lots of cypress and some palmetto. In many places the highway is like a very long, rather short bridge!

There were many bridges throughout the day – some more scenic than others. While the new bridges are very impressive I think we both preferred the older bridges.

After a while the swamp gave way to agriculture – mostly sugarcane but some cattle and small farms. In some places the sugarcane was already cut and the fields were being burned – smelled like molasses.


Eventually we headed for Lake Fausse Pointe State Park – we were aware that the RV campground and hiking trails were closed for repairs but were hoping for some photo opportunities and a bit of a walk. They have extensive picnic areas with grills, tables, pavilions and even playgrounds. Overlooking the lake is a large pavilion next to canoe and rowboat rentals; nearby is a boat ramp if you bring your own boat. Charlie got a glimpse of their cabins but we couldn’t get near the RV area or hiking trails. It was a bit odd being the only visitors in such a large park!


The park was the midpoint of the most difficult driving of the day – smaller, narrow roads with sharp turns and no shoulder. There were some lovely homes and churches, a boat that looked a bit out of place and a scary, old, one-way bridge!

Tonight we’re in a small campground right along the highway – it should be quiet enough for one night. The weather is still making our planning difficult – hopefully soon we’ll be able to go north of Interstate 10.

Almost forgot – click here for more pictures along Hwy 90 and click here for more of Lake Fausse Pointe State Park.

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