Eastern South Dakota

Heading south we next entered South Dakota. The speed limit was rather high (even in construction zones) but the roads are fairly straight and flat. I’m sure we made other drivers crazy as Charlie rarely goes above 55mph. There were farms as far as the eye could see – pretty much describes the entire Midwest!

Our first night was spent outside Watertown on Lake Kampeska. Walking along the lake we spotted several boats as well as colorful wildlife (yellow headed blackbird) among the campers. There was a wonderful nature trail through part of the campground – complete with butterfly garden – it was a great walk before dinner..


The next day started out rainy and miserable but eventually cleared up enough for us to get our alibi straight and then find a corner of Iowa so we could say we were there. We tried to find the marker for the junction of South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa but only managed to make the Google Maps lady crazy (that is generally the phone app that I use for navigation and she tells us every time we cross a state line).

We then headed west across South Dakota on Interstate 90 – and began to see the famous signs for Wall Drug Store.Wall_Drug (1)

We stopped for the night near Mitchell – home of the Corn Palace! We didn’t go into town to check it out – some may say we’ll live to regret that choice.

Click here for general South Dakota pictures; click here for Watertown pictures and click here for Iowa pictures.


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